We have daily, weekly, and seasonal specials to suit every pottery painter, mosaic maker, or glass fuser in Central Texas!
“My mother would be so proud!” … Pikasso
Create memories with someone special!
Handmade gifts are the best!
Great family fun making handmade treasures!
“The only gift is a portion of thyself.” … Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mosaic Monday!
10% off all mosaics and glass fusion!
“We are mosaics. Pieces of light, love, history, stars … glued together with magic and music and words” … Anita Krizzan
Acrylic Canvas Tuesday
50% off Acrylic Canvas Painting Studio Fee!
“There is no bad art here.” … Practically Pikasso Owners

Looking to Make Family Memories?
Bring the kids to paint at Pikasso!
We’re open on weekends, so join us for music and fun!
“Memories are the best things in life, I think.” … Romy Schneider
Wednesday Ladies’ Night!
50% off studio fees … only for the ladies!
Yes it’s Ladies Night and the feeling’s right! Yes it’s Ladies Night oh what a night! … Kool and the Gang

Men’s Day, All Day Thursday
50% off Men’s Studio Fees!
“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life” … Pablo Picasso
College Student Friday!
50% off College Students’ Studio Fees!
“Be true to yourself. Make each day a masterpiece. Help others. Drink deeply from good books. Make friendship a fine art. Build a shelter against a rainy day.” … John Wooden

Kids’ Day on Sunday!
50% off Kids’ Studio Fees!
“A child’s mind is not a container to be filled but rather a fire to be kindled.” … Dorothea Brande